Day 9 - Quotes and Thoughts

Reflect on your actions and decisions, seek reasons, embrace failure for valuable lessons, and overcome ego to make critical decisions and control your thoughts effectively.

How much more tolerant and understanding would you be today if you could see the actions of other people as attempts to do the right thing? Whether you agree or not, how radically would this lens change your perspective on otherwise offensive or belligerent actions? - Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman (The Daily Stoic)
Topics: decisionrethink


  • Whether you start following or adapting any principles, making decision, or expressing your thoughts, you should think twice to radically evaluate the principles that you will follow, the decision that you are about make, and the thought that you want to express.
  • You need to ask yourself about reasons behind any action that you intend to execute. This will help you to reduce stress, avoid the depression or control your emotion when you face an unexpected consequence.

The goal is not to be wrong more often. It’s to recognize that we’re all wrong more often than we’d like to admit, and the more we deny it, the deeper the hole we dig for ourselves. - Adam Grant (Think Again)
Topics: mindset


  • We need to be wrong, to get failed, and to learn the valuable lesson(s) from such failures. Recognising our own blindspot is challenging because it requires us to have a good mindset that allows us to change our perspectives and adapt to the right things.
  • Ego is one of the factors that prevent us from knowing what we don't know.

Become an observer of your own thoughts and the actions those thoughts provoke. Where do they come from? What biases do they contain? Are they constructive or destructive? Do they cause you to make mistakes or engage in behavior you later regret? Look for patterns; find where cause meets effect. Only when this is done can negative behavior patterns be broken; only then can real life improvements be made. - Ryan Holiday and Stephen Hanselman (The Daily Stoic)
Topics: mindsetgrowthrethink


  • A good way to make the critical and right decision is to observe reasons behind every decision that was made.
  • A good way to control your thoughts is to observe the reasons behind every thought that was expressed.
  • We observe such reasons by reflecting actions that we executed day to day. In addition to that, we reflect an action by finding the radical answer(s) to tough questions that help us to understand deeply the consequences of that action.